First Visit
What should I bring when I come for an appointment?
When you come for your appointment, please remember to bring the following
- Referral letter from GP, family physician, optometrist or other doctor
- A valid ID or Driver’s license
- Medicare card, DVA card, pension card
- Have your Private Hospital Insurance information with you
- Reports, X-rays, MRIs, CT scans etc. and any other relevant information
- A list of your current medications including tablets and eye drops
What happens when I arrive at my first visit?
On your first visit, you will be asked to fill in an information form. This includes relevant questions about your identity and contact details. There will also be a privacy consent form to sign relating to the release of your personal information that allows your eye specialist to report back to your referring general practitioner, optometrist or specialist.
What should I expect during my first visit?
In order for us to perform a thorough and complete examination of your eyes, please allow up to 60 minutes for your appointment. A full medical history will be taken. As part of a comprehensive eye examination, your pupils will be dilated and this will make your vision blurry for approximately two hours. Depending on your eye problem you may require to have some further tests done. You doctor will then discuss your treatment options with you.
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